“Lacey-girl, books take you anywhere. Any place you want to go. You remember that always.”
― Miles from Ordinary: A Novel Carol Lynch Williams (St. Martin's Griffin , 2011)
See also:
- Instruction in School Library Media Center Use (K-12) Thomas L. Hart - Page 119 " Share ideas about how books "take you anywhere." Make posters showing experiences learners can have through books, or places they can take books. Write stories of adventures with books. Tell "tall tales" about places learners have taken ..."
Plays: The Drama Magazine for Young People - Volume 1 - Page 144 "How can books take you anywhere? Mother Why, quite easily, son. Between the two covers of a book, there is a kind of magic. As you turn page after page from beginning to end, you travel all over the world, and even further to places that ..."
On the same shelf:
- "Books tell me so much that they inform me of nothing." Letters from an American Farmer, by J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur 1735-1813. Also in Dictionary of Library and Information Science Quotations Edited by Mohamed Taher and L S S R Valluri Ramaiah. ISBN: 8185689423 (New Delhi , Aditya, 1994) (p. 106).
- "Books Don't Take You Anywhere," http://www.theonion.com/ NEWS • Adventure • ISSUE 32•19 • Dec 16, 1997
- There are books of which the backs and covers are by far the best parts. - Charles Dickens in Oliver Twist. Also in Dictionary of Library and Information Science Quotations Edited by Mohamed Taher and L S S R Valluri Ramaiah. ISBN: 8185689423 (New Delhi , Aditya, 1994) (p. 110).