“No one over thirty-five is worth meeting who has not something to teach us, - something more than we could learn ourselves, from a book” by Cyril Connolly, English critic and editor, 1903-1974
QuotationsMore quotes by Cyril Connolly in Dictionary of Library and Information Science Edited by Mohamed Taher and L S Ramaiah. ISBN: 8185689423 (New Delhi , Aditya, 1994) (p. 92-93)
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- “Each of us is a book waiting to be written, and that book, if written, results in a person explained.” - Thomas M. Cirignano, Author -- (source and here) / "Each of us is a book waiting to be written, and that book if written, he must trust and he must have faith. And so he builds, because what is building, and rebuilding and rebuilding again, but an act of faith." (source: Author Garry Phillips via FB's Shameless Book Lovers)
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